Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's Coming to an End

This summer has been really long! Usually, I feel like my teacher vacation is over before it starts but this summer seems to have lasted forever -- like when we were kids! I didn't teach summer school this year for the first time in a while. I guess that's the reason it seems so long! I still have another week off, officially, but I have a meeting on Monday for team leaders. That's making it seem like summer's over. In Atlanta, most of the schools are already back. Only my district still has more time off. I'm not complaining!
I'm trying to get some appointments taken care of as I start planning our wedding. I have a place out of town (about 2 hours north of Atlanta) that has sentimental value and would be a fun destination wedding. I've got several places in town which I have been to for weddings before or have had lots of recommendations for. We're going this weekend to the out of town location -- it was here 2+ years ago that I realized I wanted to marry Max. It's at the top of my list for the moment, but we need to meet with them and make sure it meets the expectations my memory has set for it. We'll probably get married next June, which seems like forever from now.
I'm also trying to make sure that Max enjoys the wedding, and it's not just all about me. If I'd wanted to, I'm sure we would have had the judge marry us at the courthouse years ago. If he could have that and wear shorts, it would make his day! Any ideas for how to incorporate his tastes?
I'm looking forward to school getting started for the sheer purpose of getting myself back into a routine. Being at home with a filled refrigerator is not good for me, but I've been better than I could have been!
Thanks to those of you who checked in on me!

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