Thursday, September 27, 2007

Blogging is Hard Work!

Not only did I take a vacation from my blog, but I'd stopped reading yours as well! I'm trying to catch up and comment to lots of you, but it's a lot of work to get to all of you.

So, my blanket statements to each of you for the last month. Please choose the one(s) that apply best to your situation!
*Congrats on the loss!
*So what if you only lost .2 of a pound ... it all adds up in the end.
*Wow! Sounds like life has been rough on you recently. We all hit bumps in the road sometimes. Just make sure you get back on the right track soon.
*Yum! That sounds like an awesome recipe. Too bad I don't cook!
*You look awesome in that new picture! I can really tell the difference from your last photo.
*Exercise sucks sometimes. That's why I have a really cute trainer.
*Thanks for the comment! I missed you too.

That last one's for real. I've missed all of you. Thanks for sticking with me!


Cory said...

Wish I had thought of something like that when I was away from blogging for a few weeks!

Chubby Chick said...

Thanks for the comments. I've chosen a few for myself. lol

Moby Dick said...

We all have better things to do than encourage others.

Kim said...

You're so silly! :) (And that is a compliment.)

Chris H said...

That is very funny (and clever)... what if none of them apply to me? I want a PERSONAL COMMENT ya tart!!!!!

Christine said...

LOL. Nice try. Get your ass back into gear and catch up on your blogs. :)

Hey- lets try and make October a good month!

Sally JPA said...

Speaking of photos, it's time for you to put up a new one!

Kate said...

I hate exercise...maybe I need a cute trainer!

Kim L said...

Thanks Veggie Paparazzo! I've already taken this year's school picture, so when they come in, I'll be putting up the new progress pix.

Anonymous said...

:) Thanks!!

Chris H said...

Ha ha! Thanks for the "personal" comment mate! Looking forward to seeing your new progress photo!!!

"The Captain" said...

Thanks for posting on my site. Good job on all the losses.

Unknown said...

Hey there KL. I thought you had stopped your blog! Glad to have you back, and way to go on your recent loss! You are doing awesome!

Foodie Girl said...

I have taken a vacation from blogging as well, but I am slowly making a comeback.

Lauren said...

lol, that's too funny.

Sally JPA said...

Come back, Kim! It's October now! ;)